Compound Interest For Your Mind Blog

What Is Defensive Pessimism? defensive pessimism negativity May 06, 2022

Do you ever feel like you're always preparing for the worst? That's a sign that you may be using defensive pessimism as a technique to help yourself get things done. Defensive pessimism is expecting adverse outcomes in any situation and planning for them. While it may seem like a pessimistic way...

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Dealing with Disappointments in Life disappointment emotions life May 05, 2022

We will inevitably experience disappointment in life. Whether it's a failed relationship, a job loss, or any other setback, we will inevitably feel let down. Dealing with these disappointments is not easy, but it is necessary if we want to move on and find happiness again. This blog post will...

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Expanding Your Social Circle friends relationships social circle May 04, 2022

Do you feel like you need more friends or lack your social life? If so, don't worry – you're not alone. Many people find themselves in the same position. Thankfully, there are ways to expand your social circle. This blog post will discuss some of the ways to do just that.

Is making new...

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The Act of Forgiving emotions forgiving relationships May 02, 2022

Forgiving somebody can be one of the most challenging things that you will ever do. However, it is also necessary if you want to move forward in life. Holding onto grudges and resentment will only hurt you, not the person you are angry at for doing something against you. This blog post will...

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How to Maintain Good Relationships with Friends friends relationships May 02, 2022

Maintaining good relationships with friends takes effort. If you want to keep your friendships strong, you have to put in the time and energy to make it happen. Just like any other relationship, if you neglect your friendships, they will start to deteriorate over time. This blog post will discuss...

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What Makes Life Hard emotions happiness life Apr 29, 2022

Life is hard. There's no getting around that fact. But sometimes, we make it harder than it needs to be. We add complications to our lives through how we think and our actions. This blog post will explore some of the things that make life hard and how we can overcome them.

Is life hard?

For a...

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What Makes a Difficult Person difficult people emotions people relationships Apr 28, 2022

We've all had to deal with difficult people at some point. They can be challenging, frustrating, and downright impossible to get along with on most occasions. So what makes a difficult person? What are the characteristics that set them apart from the rest of us? This blog post will explore the...

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Work Smarter, Not Harder efficiency productivity work Apr 27, 2022

There's a common misconception that success comes from working hard. And while this may be true for some people, it's not always the best way to achieve your goals. Working long hours can lead to decreased productivity and decreased efficiency. That's why it's essential to learn to work smarter,...

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What Makes a Person Special people positivity self-esteem special Apr 26, 2022

No two people are ever the same, and this is what makes us special and unique in our way. We all have different skills, talents, and abilities that make us stand out. For example, some people might be great at art, while others might be great at science or math. So there is no one correct answer...

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How Can Parenting Affect Child Development parenting relationships Apr 25, 2022

There are different schools of thought when it comes to parenting. Some parents choose to be strict and disciplined, while others take a more relaxed approach. There is no one right way to raise a child – what works for one family may not work for another. However, it is essential to be...

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How to Write a Personal Development Plan personal development personal growth success Apr 22, 2022

When it comes to personal development, most people know what they should do but never take the necessary steps to do it, and this is where having a personal development plan comes in handy. A personal development plan helps you structure everything you need to do to achieve the ideal future. This...

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How to Build Mental Strength personal development strength Apr 21, 2022

Mental strength is one of the most important things you can possess. It helps you get through challenging situations and come out better on the other side. Anybody can learn it, and it's necessary if you want to achieve your goals. This blog post will discuss mental strength and how you can build...

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