Compound Interest For Your Mind Blog

Admitting Your Mistakes dealing with failure mistakes personal growth Jun 16, 2022

Making mistakes is a part of life. We all make them, and we learn from them. The key is to admit your mistakes when you make them, which can be difficult, especially if you're in a position of authority. However, when you recognize your mistakes, you maintain trust and credibility with the people...

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Dealing with Failure dealing with failure failure personal growth Jan 25, 2022

Failure is something that we all experience in life. It can be devastating, discouraging, and make us feel like we are not good enough. But failure is also a part of learning and growing. If we do not learn how to deal with failure, we will never achieve our goals or become the person we want to...

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Bob Ross | Keeping Life in Perspective | "Happy Little Accidents" bob ross deadpool dealing with failure mistakes success formula talent May 23, 2021

It’s funny where you can find inspiration. My then-junior in high school came home one day and asked: “Who is Bob Ross?”  You know, the famous painter of happy little trees from the 80’s.  He had seen a trailer for the next Deadpool movie with Ryan...

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How to Reframe Failure dealing with failure Feb 23, 2021

by: John Cunningham


Who among us has never felt the temporary sting of failure?


I didn’t see any hands go up. Failure happens to all of us. Rather than accepting defeat, embrace it as a challenge. When you accept failure as part of the process to reach success, you are moving...

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