Compound Interest For Your Mind Blog

How to Combat Envy behavior comparing control May 18, 2023

Envy is a normal emotion, but it can have detrimental consequences when overwhelming. We often find ourselves drawn into a spiral of envy, constantly comparing our lives to those of our peers and feeling inadequate. If you're struggling with envy, don't worry; there are ways to reign in this...

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Do You Need to Buy Something Now? control money Feb 01, 2023

There are a lot of things to consider before buying something. For example, do you need it? Will you use it often? Is the price fair? These are all critical questions to ask yourself before making a purchase. Unfortunately, sometimes, we get so caught up in the moment that we don't take the time...

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The Things That We Can Control in Our Lives control focus life Nov 16, 2022

There are some things in our lives that we can control and others that we cannot. It is essential to know the difference and to focus on the things that we can change. If we spend our time worrying about things that are out of our control, it will only make us miserable. But if we focus on the...

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Let Go of Control in Your Life control life personal growth Jan 03, 2022

We all want to control our lives and ensure that everything is in order. We want to know what the future holds, and we want to be prepared for it when it happens. But sadly, this type of lifestyle only leads to frustration. So why not learn how to relinquish your need for control and surrender...

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