Motivational Monday - Sticking With It

Season #18

Welcome to MorningCoach® with JB Glossinger, where we're all about helping you live your best life and stick with your personal development journey. In this episode, JB shares valuable insights on the importance of staying committed to your goals and not giving up on your growth journey.

He discusses the significance of having a proper perspective, setting priorities, and maintaining patience as essential elements for success. JB also emphasizes the role of the MorningCoach community and the valuable tools they provide, such as the planning system and the new companion tool in beta. He shares personal experiences and highlights the value of consistency, self-care, and evening routines to stay focused and supportive within the community.

Tune in to discover the practical steps and positive mindset required to overcome challenges and create lasting change. JB's enthusiasm and encouragement will inspire and motivate you to embark on your journey with joy and passion. So, get ready to embrace positivity and commit to your dreams with MorningCoach®.