Compound Interest For Your Mind Blog

How to Restore Your Faith faith spirituality Jun 23, 2023

Everyone experiences a loss of faith at some point in their lives, and it can be particularly distressing when you feel like you don't know how to restore it. You may be questioning the ability of your faith to help you make decisions or feeling disconnected from what used to give you hope....

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Healthy vs. Toxic Spirituality personal growth spiritual health spirituality Oct 03, 2022

There is a big difference between healthy and toxic spirituality. Toxic spirituality is all about rules, dogma, and judgment. It creates separation and division. Healthy spirituality is about connection, love, and compassion. It brings people together and helps them feel connected to something...

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How to Be Spiritually Healthy health spiritual health spirituality Sep 23, 2022

Maintaining our physical health is essential, but it's not the only thing we need to worry about for our well-being. Our mental health is just as vital, and in some cases, even more so. But what about our spiritual health? It's just as important as the other two but can often get neglected. This...

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The Importance of Faith faith spirituality May 23, 2022

Faith is important. It is what can help us get through life when everything else hasn't worked and we are facing difficult times. Sometimes, it's all we have to hold on to during these times. There are different types of faith, and each one is personal to the individual who believes in it. For...

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If You Knew Who Walked Beside You fear personal growth positivity spirituality Nov 17, 2021

You know that feeling when you walk alone in the dark, and you start to feel frightened? That fear is not only present when we are by ourselves. You can also feel it in moments of uncertainty at work or home. But what if there was someone beside us who could support our endeavors? What if we...

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Exploring Spirituality and How You Can Practice Doing It personal growth spirituality Oct 11, 2021

What is the point of life? Is there something more significant than us? What do we know about death and what happens to our soul after it leaves this earth? These are questions that many people ask themselves but never get an answer for them. This blog post explores spirituality and how you can...

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