Compound Interest For Your Mind Blog

Embracing Your Weaknesses focus personal development self-esteem weakness Mar 07, 2023

It's easy to feel down about our weaknesses. We may feel like we're the only person in the world with them and that we're doomed because of them. This isn't true, though. Everyone has weaknesses, and it's essential to embrace them so that we can work on changing them. This blog post will discuss...

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Eliminating Negative Self-talk negativity personal growth self-esteem Feb 09, 2023

Negative self-talk is a problem that some of us face. Unfortunately, it can harm our mental health and make us feel worse about ourselves. This blog post will discuss eliminating negative self-talk and improving our mental health.

Talking negatively about yourself can harm you.

Sometimes, you may...

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What Makes a Person Special people positivity self-esteem special Apr 26, 2022

No two people are ever the same, and this is what makes us special and unique in our way. We all have different skills, talents, and abilities that make us stand out. For example, some people might be great at art, while others might be great at science or math. So there is no one correct answer...

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The Need for Validation personal growth self-esteem validation Feb 24, 2022

We all crave validation. It's a natural human instinct to feel accepted and liked by others, and this is especially true when it comes to our decisions and the things we do in life. We want other people to tell us that we're on the right track, that we're doing things correctly, and that we're...

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How to Build Self-esteem personal growth positivity self-esteem Feb 18, 2022

Do you often have thoughts like "I'm not good enough" or "I can't do this?" If so, you're not alone. Many people struggle with low self-esteem. It can affect our lives in several ways, including our relationships, work performance, and overall happiness. This blog post will discuss building...

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