Compound Interest For Your Mind Blog

Comparing Yourself to Others comparing happiness personal growth Mar 29, 2022

When it comes to improving ourselves, we often compare ourselves to others. As a result, we may feel bad about ourselves because we think that we're not good enough or that we're not where we want to be in life. However, comparing isn't always a bad thing; it can be pretty helpful when used...

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Money Is Not Everything happiness money positivity Mar 23, 2022

It's no secret that money is essential. We need it to pay our bills, buy food and shelter, and enjoy the occasional luxury. Many of us think it is the key to happiness. Money is essential in life, but it should not be the sole reason we do everything. Many other things are more important, so...

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What It Means to Be Rich happiness money prosperity Mar 22, 2022

What does it mean to be rich? There is no universal answer to this question. For some, being rich means having a lot of money. For others, it might mean having a lot of possessions or a high level of fame. There is no right or wrong answer; it is entirely subjective. This blog post will explore...

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Leaving the Rat Race earning money freedom happiness money rat race Mar 15, 2022

Are you tired of the rat race? Do you feel like you are stuck in a cycle of working long hours, only to have very little to show for it at the end of the day? If so, you are not alone. Millions of people are trapped in this exact situation. This blog post will discuss how to break free from the...

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A World of Instant Gratification fulfillment happiness instant gratification patience Feb 10, 2022

Instant gratification is the new norm for most people nowadays. We want everything now, and the value of patience seems to be lost, especially when it comes to our smartphones. We expect apps to load instantly, websites completely responsive, and information at our fingertips. Unfortunately,...

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When You Look Back at Your Life fulfillment happiness looking back Nov 30, 2021

Most people are living their lives with no idea of what they want. They live life day to day, hoping that they will have accomplished something meaningful when they get old and say that this was a happy and fulfilling life. The thing is, most people don't know how to find out what makes them...

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Take Time to Enjoy Beautiful Things in Life happiness personal growth positivity Nov 16, 2021

Most people are so busy with their lives that they don't take the time to enjoy what is around them. Instead, they go through life on autopilot, not realizing how beautiful it can be. When you start feeling down or stressed, stop and appreciate all of the beauty in your surroundings. It will...

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How to Get Present in the Moment happiness personal growth positivity Sep 01, 2021

We spend so much time worrying about the future and regretting the past that we miss out on all of life's beautiful moments. To be able to enjoy life truly, we must learn how to be present at the moment. We will help you increase your awareness of what is happening around you and start living...

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Have You Taken the Time to Look at Whoā€™s Beyond Your Inner Circle? friends happiness personal growth roxanne turner Aug 16, 2021

By: Roxanne Turner

This past week was a big one for the Morning Coach® Community, with not only our Get It Done Now! Quarterly Meeting but also two of those meetings devoted to coaching. And as Karen noted in her recap, it's been so great seeing all these amazing people come together and learn...

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Global Business Coach's Keys to Happiness Include MorningCoachĀ® get it done - now! happiness john cunningham member spotlight staying motivated success formula May 05, 2021

By John Cunningham

Gabriel Lacerda is a world traveler. He was born and raised in Brazil, spent several years as an engineer in the energy industry and now lives with his wife and daughter in Switzerland. Gabriel has been a MorningCoach® member since 2018. He is determined to make happiness a...

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