Compound Interest For Your Mind Blog

Good Health Practices That Should Become a Habit habit health self-care May 03, 2023

Health is one of the most critical aspects of our lives, yet it often gets neglected when we get caught up in our day-to-day lives. Yet, good health habits can make all the difference in living a longer, healthier life and preventing disease. Habits like regular exercise, eating a healthy diet,...

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Habits That Are Bad for Us habit health self-care Apr 27, 2023

Habits form when we repeatedly do something until it becomes almost automatic for us to do it. It's all good when the habits we form benefit our health and productivity. However, bad habits also form, and most of the time, we may not be aware that we are doing something that doesn't give any...

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Living a Sedentary Lifestyle habit health Mar 17, 2023

Most people would agree that sitting around all day is not good. Yet, surprisingly, many people still choose to live a sedentary lifestyle. So what is a sedentary lifestyle? It's basically when you spend most of your time sitting down, whether at work, at home, or in leisure time. There are many...

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Bad Money Habits habit money personal growth Feb 24, 2023

We've all heard the saying, "money can't buy happiness." But the truth is, if you have money problems, it will be hard to be happy. Money is an integral part of our lives, and if we don't manage it properly, it can cause stress. This blog post will discuss bad money habits you should avoid or...

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How to Break a Habit change habit personal growth Feb 08, 2023

We all have them - those pesky habits that we know are bad for us but we can't seem to break them. Whether it's biting your nails, spending too much time on social media, or procrastinating, bad habits can be challenging to shake, but don't despair. There are several practical tips you can follow...

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