Compound Interest For Your Mind Blog
Embracing Simplicity and Purpose in 2025
Welcome to the onset of 2025. As the sun rises on another year, it's a perfect time to reflect, reset, and rejuvenate the path ahead. For many, the start of a new year is synonymous with hope, optimism, and a slew of resolutions. However, as JB...
For many, starting a family is one of the most important moments of their lives. But before you embark on this life-changing journey, it's essential to take some time to consider all the aspects involved. From financial planning to lifestyle changes, many elements should be taken into...
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by big goals? That's reasonable; sometimes, there is too much to do to reach the big ones. But if you take a step back, you will realize that setting small, achievable goals is a great way to start on your journey toward success. Focusing on attainable objectives and...
Retirement may seem like a long way off, but it's never too early to start planning. If you dream of early retirement, taking the proper steps now is critical, from discipline and dedication to making wise decisions about spending and investment. Then, with the right approach, you can make your...
The sky's the limit. That's what we're taught as children, a message that continues to ring true throughout our lives. We are told there are no limits to what we can achieve, which is a powerful idea. But, when it comes to dreaming big, there are no bounds. This blog post will explore the...
What are your family values? This is a question that is not often asked, but it is an important one. Family values are the guiding principles by which we live our lives. They provide us with a sense of direction and purpose. Without them, we would be lost. This blog post will discuss family...
In life, it is essential to set goals and aim high. However, there are times when aiming low can be just as beneficial. For example, setting smaller goals can make achieving happiness and fulfillment more manageable. This blog post will discuss the benefits of aiming low in life and provide some...
It's essential to set goals to achieve success in anything. But not just any goals - SMART goals. What are SMART goals? They are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. In this blog post, we will discuss what each means and give you examples of how to apply them to your own...
Jorge Vidal is a former retail worker who has reached his dream of becoming a serial entrepreneur with the help of JB Glossinger and the Morning Coach® system. He is now a member of our Inner Circle. Jorge goes by many names around here and that is a testament to...
A vision is a guiding principle for where we want to be in the future and what we ultimately want to do with our lives. A clear, well-defined vision helps us achieve more and live better than if we had no idea where we were going or what our life's purpose was. Without a strong sense of identity...
"What do you want to achieve?" "Why did you set this goal?" These are just some of the questions we should ask ourselves when setting goals. But, first, we must understand what we hope to accomplish with our goals and clearly understand why it is essential.
Importance of goal setting
It is...