Compound Interest For Your Mind Blog

Tips to Setting Goals: Understanding Your "WHY's" goal setting personal growth productivity Aug 20, 2021

"What do you want to achieve?" "Why did you set this goal?" These are just some of the questions we should ask ourselves when setting goals. But, first, we must understand what we hope to accomplish with our goals and clearly understand why it is essential.

Importance of goal setting

It is...

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1% a Day - The Secret to Improvement personal growth productivity Aug 19, 2021

Improvement is the only way to get what you want in life. Whether it's better grades in school, a better job, or just more money in your bank account, if you're not improving, then things will never change for you. The problem is that improvement takes time and work, so we often give up on...

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Hiring a Business Coach and What They Can Do for You business coach life coach personal growth Aug 18, 2021

Suppose you are a business owner or have an interest in starting your own company. In that case, you will likely need to hire someone for help during the process, and this can be difficult because there are so many different types of professionals; lawyers and accountants come to mind right away....

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Assumed Constraints letting go personal growth positivity staying motivated Aug 17, 2021

The human mind is a powerful tool that has the power to shape our lives. But, unfortunately, it can also be a limiting factor because we often have these assumed constraints in our minds that prevent us from making any progress in life. However, it's not too late. In this blog post, we will...

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Have You Taken the Time to Look at Whoā€™s Beyond Your Inner Circle? friends happiness personal growth roxanne turner Aug 16, 2021

By: Roxanne Turner

This past week was a big one for the Morning Coach® Community, with not only our Get It Done Now! Quarterly Meeting but also two of those meetings devoted to coaching. And as Karen noted in her recap, it's been so great seeing all these amazing people come together and learn...

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How to Find a Life Coach life coach personal growth productivity Aug 16, 2021

Finding a life coach can be a daunting task. There are so many different styles and approaches to coaching that it can be hard to know where to start. This article will provide you with some tips on finding the perfect life coach for your needs.

What is a life coach, and why do they matter to you...

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Clues That Show You Are Ready for a Life Coach life coach personal growth productivity staying motivated Aug 13, 2021

Are you feeling frustrated with your life? Maybe you're looking for a change but don't know how to make it happen. If this sounds like you, some clues can help determine if life coaching might be right for you. Life coaches work on anything from career and job-searching advice to financial...

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Is The Rocketbook Fusion a Good Planner? fusion planner note taking rocketbook Aug 09, 2021

Planning is an essential aspect of life. It allows you to see the big picture and plan accordingly for what is to come, and this goes for all aspects of your life: work, school, family time, leisure, the list goes on and on. So what makes the Rocketbook Fusion such an excellent planner? The fact...

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Why Persistence Pays Off in Helping You Succeed persistence personal growth positivity staying motivated Aug 08, 2021

Persistence is a word that is familiar to many people, and yet only some correctly practice it. It means to continue trying or doing something even when there seems to be no chance of success, and the effort required seems too great. However, when it comes down to achieving goals in life,...

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Why Is Life So Hard? emotions negativity personal growth positivity staying motivated Aug 06, 2021

Why is life so hard? It's not always easy to be happy and content with what we have. Sometimes, it feels like the weight of the world is on our shoulders, making it feel impossible to stand up straight. We often find ourselves asking "why?" when really, there is no answer. Unfortunately, there...

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iPad Pro vs ReMarkable 2 e ink ipad pro productivity device remarkable 2 Aug 02, 2021

The iPad Pro and reMarkable are excellent tablets, but which one is the better option for you? The answer to that question depends on what you're looking for in a tablet. First, we will compare the two devices' features and see how they stack up against each other.

Availability and price


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Reasons Why You Should Let Go To Move Forward In Life emotions focus letting go personal growth positivity Jul 30, 2021

In life, we often find ourselves stuck in a rut. We keep doing the same things over and over again and expect different results. Sometimes, it's time to let go of what is holding us back so that we can move forward into a better future. This blog post will discuss why letting go is one good way...

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