Compound Interest For Your Mind Blog

How to Structure Your Day efficiency organization structure time management Dec 22, 2021

How would you like to be more productive? If so, the first step is to have a structure for your day. It will help you get everything done every day without feeling stressed or overwhelmed by creating an outline of what needs accomplishment and when. It's much easier to get things done quickly and...

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Are New Year's Resolutions Effective? commitment new year's resolution personal growth Dec 21, 2021

The new year is a time for fresh starts, and many people make New Year's resolutions to help themselves get on the right track. Unfortunately, while these resolutions often have good intentions, they are not always effective in achieving their goals. This blog post will explore why so many of...

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Fear of Change: What You Can Do About It change fear personal growth Dec 20, 2021

Change is inevitable, and you should embrace it because of its possibilities. But, of course, we all have fears--some are irrational while others are genuine. But so what? It's time to stop letting fear dictate your life and start embracing change.

Why do we fear change?

Change is the only thing...

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Worrying About the Future and How to Stop It future personal growth worry Dec 17, 2021

The future is an uncertain place. You never quite know what will happen, and that uncertainty can be frightening. Sometimes, we can only worry about it, but this doesn't solve anything. It might feel like you're taking action by worrying, but all you're doing is stressing yourself out without any...

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Regretting the Past and Moving on emotions past personal growth regret Dec 16, 2021

We all regret something we did or didn't do at some point in our lives. Regret is a feeling that can be paralyzing and prevent us from moving forward with life. However, it is essential to understand that regret will not change the past, but it can help us learn more about ourselves and what we...

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The Importance of Sleep health sleep Dec 14, 2021

Everybody needs sleep to function correctly, and you should make it a priority in your life. There are many reasons why getting enough quality sleep is essential: it boosts our immune system, helps us learn and remember information better, and reduces the risk of injury or accidents. This blog...

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Why Taking a Break Is Important break productivity Dec 14, 2021

Taking a break is essential for our health, productivity, and even happiness. It provides several benefits that help us with our tasks and achieve more in less time. We all know the feeling of being so stressed out because we have too many things to do at once. Taking a break will not only...

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Why Do People Spend So Much During Christmas christmas money Dec 12, 2021

It's the Christmas season, and people are spending more than usual. There are many reasons why this is happening. The holidays can be a financially taxing time, but it doesn't have to be if you know some simple rules for saving money. This post will talk about some of the top reasons people spend...

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Why You Should Never Give Up persistence personal growth positivity Dec 10, 2021

The vast majority of the world's population live a life where they have to face hardships and disappointments daily. This situation can lead people to give up on their dreams or make them stronger. You might be wondering why you should never give up when there are so many reasons for doing so....

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How to Increase Your Attention Span attention span focus personal growth productivity Dec 08, 2021

Do you have a hard time staying focused on the task at hand? It's not easy to keep your attention on one thing, but you can take some steps to improve your attention span. This blog post will discuss increasing your focus and staying more engaged in what you do.

Why can't you pay attention for...

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Distractions in Life: The Not-So-Obvious Edition distractions focus Dec 08, 2021

It's hard to know what is going on in our heads sometimes. Some of the things that distract us are those that exist in our minds, and you might not realize the effect they have on your life. These things can cause a lot of stress and anxiety if we're not careful about them. This blog post will...

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Distractions in Life: The Obvious Edition distractions focus Dec 07, 2021

We all face many distractions in life, but sometimes the obvious ones get overlooked. We're so used to them or don't even notice them anymore, and because of this, they can hold us back. This article will explore some common distractions and why they serve as a powerful obstacle to success.


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