Compound Interest For Your Mind Blog

Working as a Freelancer: Pros and Cons personal growth work May 09, 2023

Working as a freelancer is becoming a trend for many people, offering freedom and autonomy like never before. However, while it can be an ideal job situation for some, potential drawbacks must be considered. This blog post will explore the pros and cons of freelancing to help you decide if this...

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Small Goals That Are Easily Achievable goal setting success May 08, 2023

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by big goals? That's reasonable; sometimes, there is too much to do to reach the big ones. But if you take a step back, you will realize that setting small, achievable goals is a great way to start on your journey toward success. Focusing on attainable objectives and...

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Getting Yourself Noticed attention personal growth success May 05, 2023

Do you ever feel stuck in the same place, unable to make any headway with your dreams and goals? It could be because you've been doing everything right but haven't been getting yourself noticed, a key ingredient for success. Getting seen is essential for achieving more in life; it can also give...

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Basic Technology Skills Everyone Should Know personal development technology May 04, 2023

Technology has become an increasingly integral part of our lives, yet not everyone knows how to use it effectively. Learning the basics of technology can be incredibly beneficial, allowing us to navigate our devices more efficiently and even providing a few career advantages. This blog post will...

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Good Health Practices That Should Become a Habit habit health self-care May 03, 2023

Health is one of the most critical aspects of our lives, yet it often gets neglected when we get caught up in our day-to-day lives. Yet, good health habits can make all the difference in living a longer, healthier life and preventing disease. Habits like regular exercise, eating a healthy diet,...

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Things That Can Be Considered as Luxury money wealth May 02, 2023

Living a life of luxury is the dream of many. From European vacations to designer clothing, these are all things that some people may consider luxury. But what is luxury? Is it just the most expensive items in the store or something more? Well, luxury can be many different things depending on who...

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What You Can Do to Retire Early goal setting money work May 01, 2023

Retirement may seem like a long way off, but it's never too early to start planning. If you dream of early retirement, taking the proper steps now is critical, from discipline and dedication to making wise decisions about spending and investment. Then, with the right approach, you can make your...

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Who Is a Good Person good manners kindness people Apr 28, 2023

Everyone has their idea of what it means to be a "good person." Some might say it has to do with the internal moral compass we all possess, while others would argue that it is about how you treat those around you. Regardless of your belief, kindness is one trait everyone can agree is essential to...

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Habits That Are Bad for Us habit health self-care Apr 27, 2023

Habits form when we repeatedly do something until it becomes almost automatic for us to do it. It's all good when the habits we form benefit our health and productivity. However, bad habits also form, and most of the time, we may not be aware that we are doing something that doesn't give any...

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What Makes Someone an Extrovert? behavior personality Apr 26, 2023

Do you consider yourself an extrovert? Do you enjoy socializing and being around people? Extroversion is a personality trait with many advantages, but how does one know if they are an extrovert? This blog post will explore the traits that make up an extrovert and why having such a personality can...

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Things That Can Break Trust people relationships trust Apr 25, 2023

Trust is the cornerstone of any strong relationship and can take years to build. However, trust can be broken instantly with just a few careless actions. As such, knowing what can damage trust to protect and nurture the relationships we value is essential. This blog post will explore what these...

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What Makes Someone an Introvert? behavior personality Apr 24, 2023

Do you know someone who loves being alone? Someone who stays quiet in large groups and prefers to spend time with close friends rather than strangers? They may be what is known as an introvert. Unlike extroverts, who thrive in social situations, introverts often feel better when they can express...

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